and now what’s ahead

We’re moving. Yep. Big move ahead for the Todd clan. We’re not just moving houses, we’re moving cities.

Most of you know by now about my new position. And you can read my sweet hubby’s letter to the youth group here if you’d like. But for those of you that don’t know, here’s the big news.

I’ve accepted a position at Philadelphia Presbyterian in Mint Hill, NC on the eastern side of Charlotte. I will be the Director of Youth Ministries starting January 1, 2011. This position has plans for Ordination to Ministry of Word and Sacrament down the road, so it almost seems to good to be true. I’m very excited, and all kinds of anxious at the same time.

I was contacted by Philadelphia  a few times over the summer and completely ignored the invitation to apply to their position. Finally, in August I gave up and said okay. I submitted my resume and the crazy began to happen. God started to work, and quite quickly I might add. They were already about to offer the position when they got my resume and they contacted me to let me know what was going on. They told me that they wanted to hold onto my resume in case something didn’t work out with the other person, but they decided to move forward with that candidate because of where they were in the process. I was sad, but realized that I had waited a few months before applying so I didn’t really have room to be sad.

Like I said, God got to work in a crazy way, though. The candidate references didn’t work out. They asked me in for an interview and things just felt perfect – on both sides of the table. They asked me back for a second interview and apparently I sealed the deal. They weren’t looking for an ordained person for the position, but I’m on track for ordination. In the second interview they said they can’t ordain this year but they want to hopefully next year, and I’ll be ordainable (Lord Willing) next year. The money would have to check out in order to make it worth the move, and it did. I’ve applied for leadership positions in the greater church at conferences and such, but that’s one reason why they wanted to hire me. I am a dual degree student with a strong focus on CE, but they think it’s perfect since the youth program is part of the overall CE at Philadelphia. I couldn’t start until January due to CPE requirements, but they were okay with that despite wanting me November 1st. I was worried about having to move and not being able to sell 0r rent out the house, but Mason’s mom is going to rent & buy from us. (Another post for another day.)

Every anxiety that I’ve had in this process has been answered squashed by God.

When I interviewed they asked me what my favorite Bible verse was. Honestly it caught me off guard, and I think they were caught off guard by my response, but it’s so perfect for my life and especially this situation:

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying,
‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’
And I said, ‘Here am I; send me!’
Isaiah 6:8


We don’t know a few things about our big changes – like where we’ll live exactly and when we’ll be moving exactly, but we do know that God’s in control. And yes, I’ve finally given up fighting with God on this. My Type A personality looks a lot more like a Type Q right about now. I’m not going to lie and say that I don’t have fears, but I am going to say that I’ve decided that God knows what’s best for me and where God is moving me in my ministry and call to serve. I know that when I met the youth I felt at home and excited that they were excited to meet me and have me come on board. I know that I’ve got friends and a second family in Charlotte, so leaving my family in Columbia won’t be quite as hard. I know that I’ve been ready to serve in the church full-time for a while now, so I’m just going to trust God that this is exactly where God wants me to be at this point in my life.

Yes, it does mean changes ahead for my family. And no, I’m not a big fan of change at all. But I’ve got a husband that loves me and reminds me that this is where God is calling me, even when I do have my moments of doubt. And I’ve got a family that couldn’t be happier and prouder for me. And I’ve got a church congregation who wanted me on staff full-time like yesterday waiting for me. And that feels really good!

Last week I was upset about the move. I told my mom who told my dad. I got a text from my dad that said, “Luke 18:29-30. Read it, meditate on it and let peace fall over you.” Let’s just say the tears started flowing at the text…and then I read the scripture.

Then Peter said, ‘Look, we have left our homes and followed you.’
29And he said to them, ‘Truly I tell you, there is no one who has left house or wife or brothers or parents or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God,
30who will not get back very much more in this age, and in the age to come eternal life.’




Okay, God. I’m listening. Send me. I’m ready!

2 thoughts on “and now what’s ahead

  1. WHAT!? We had no idea. What a wonderful opportunity and neat that it’s not too far from home. We are so excited for you. Please let us know how we can help. Love you both!


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